Flying the DC-3/C-47 "by the numbers"
The DC-3, like all aircraft, should be “flown by the numbers.” To get from one airport to another the pilot must takeoff at the proper speed, climb and descend at established rates and airspeed, maintain desired headings and altitudes, navigate from one airport to another, perhaps perform an instrument approach to an airport, and land in a variety of wind and runway-surface conditions.
A typical flight has seven segments:
Take-Off | 2700 | 48″ |
Climb | 2350 | 36″ |
Cruise | 2050 | 30″ |
Descend Normal | 2050 | 20″ |
Descend Steep | 1700 | 18″ |

- Pitch Trim: +3°
- Flaps: Zero Degrees (Fully retracted) unless short-field takeoff,
then half-flaps - Lock the tail wheel when lined up on the runway (Don’t forget
to unlock it before landing!) - Power Settings: Full Throttle, High RPM
- Mixture: Auto Rich
- Rotate: 84 kts
Full Power for One Minute Max then reduce to Climb power setting

- Power Settings: 36″ Manifold Pressure, 2350 RPM
- Best Rate of Climb: 105 kts
- Mixture: Auto Rich

- Power Settings: 30″ Manifold Pressure, 2050 RPM
- Mixture: Auto Lean

- Power Settings: 20-22″ Manifold Pressure, 2050 RPM
- Mixture: Auto Rich
Descend from Cruise Altitude to In Range, set power for 500 fpm and maintain cruise speed

- Power Settings: 18″ Manifold Pressure, 1700 RPM
- Mixture: Auto Rich
Not higher than cruise speed
- Initial Approach speed: 105 kts, ½ flaps
- Final Approach speed: 85 kts, ¾ flaps
- “Over the fence” at: 75-80 kts, full flaps
Full Flaps for landing unless gusty conditions or strong cross winds. Land on the front wheels only, no 3-point landings. Hold the tail-wheel off with forward yoke until it gently settles to the runway.
AMP vs RPM Settings - General
- Above 140 kts: MP at least 5 inches above RPM… example … Cruise = 30 inches, 2050 RPM
- 100 – 140 kts: MP at least “square” … example … 19 inches and 1900 RPM
- Below 100 kts: MP can be reduced to below RPM
Flap Extension Speeds - Maximum
- Above 140 kts: MP at least 5 inches above RPM… example … Cruise = 30 inches, 2050 RPM
- 100 – 140 kts: MP at least “square” … example … 19 inches and 1900 RPM
- Below 100 kts: MP can be reduced to below RPM
Gear Extension Speed
- 140 kts maximum
Stall Speeds
- No Flaps: 65 kts
- Full Flaps: 58 kts
Cowl Flaps
- Open only when on ground
- Closed in cruise configuration